
中文片名: 英国电视四台:日本海啸是如何发生的
英文片名: Channel4: Japans Tsunami How it Happened
剧集分类: 纪录
影片类型: 纪录片
上影时间: 2011
《日本海啸是如何发生的》深入探究了给日本造成重创的地震与海啸背后的科学原理,本期节目将带领观众们随着地理学教授Roger Bilham的旅程,深入到震后仅数天后的日本。
Japan's Tsunami: How It Happened investigates the science behind the earthquake and tsunami that has devastated Japan. It takes viewers on a journey with Professor of Geological Sciences Roger Bilham - in Japan only days after the earthquake struck. The programme follows Roger as he sets off to view the devastation from the air. In the magnitude 9 earthquake Japan shifted 12 feet towards the US. The earth was knocked off its axis and the rate of the earth's rotation was changed. This was one of the biggest earthquakes every measured: the ground along the east side of Japan dropped by almost 10 feet, making the tsunami catastrophic. This documentary also follows renowned journalist Callum Macrae as he travels to the north, where the towns of Sendai and Ofunato used to be bustling fishing villages.